Each year, Resurrection takes an anonymous survey of the congregation. This year there were 134 people who took part in the survey that indicated they primarily worship with Resurrection Online. I have completed some analysis of the survey. What do you make of these results?
- More gender balanced than the rest of the church with 56.7% females and 43.8% males
- Highest % of 18-24 year olds
- Older than West and Downtown; Younger than Blue Springs
- Shortest length of involvement at Resurrection
- Lowest participation in small groups by more than 20%
- Attend the most infrequently
- Give least percentage of income across all giving levels with 28.3% giving 0% of their income
- 52% consider Resurrection to be their church home
- 58% are involved in another church
- 38% are leaders in another church
- 60% live outside the Kansas City metropolitan area
- Aspects of worship service to change to better experience God, more than the rest of the church: sermons, length of service, interaction with other worshipers
- 59.8% with few social connections in the church; almost twice as many as any other location
- The church could help grow toward becoming a deeply committed Christian by: teaching me to pray on my own, hep me increase my financial generosity, improve my experience of God in worship, teach me to study scriptures on my own
Top Responses to “Why do you worship online?”
- Distance from Resurrection Leawood
- Convenience / work travel
- Spiritual meaning / sermon
- Health / mobility
- Poor local church worship / sermon
Top Responses to “As someone who worships online, what would help you feel more connected with God and other people?
- Nothing / not sure
- Online small groups
- In person / local connection
- Online Bible study / classes
- Interaction / Chat / Discussion
Top Responses to “Please provide any suggestions that would improve your experience of Resurrection Online.”
- Nothing / not sure
- More interaction with others
- Online Classes
- Increased / continued inclusion in worship
- New physical locations of Resurrection